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Which Language Course Is The Best For Your Kids?

With the Internet on every corner, we have plenty of choices how to learn a foreign language. Old local language courses are already outdated and very pricey for what you can get online. Why spend tons of money just because you or your kid want to learn foreign language?

Important to mention that there are even more free options then there ever used to be.

But how is it with kids software? Are there any?

The answer is Yes. You can definitely find lots of language courses for kids depending on their age. What's more, each language course is tightly connected with funny games and quizzes. Before I write down few of the bests, I would like to also talk about 'more adult' language learning software. Kid, which is old enough (10+) and is fluent in English can immediately start with these.

Okay, ready for my Moose Sum Up?

Language Courses Mainly For Kids

LearnEnglishKids is comprehensive online course from British Council covering several languages. It's full of games and entertaining lessons that will children love.

PetraLingua is partly free online course similar to LearnEnglishKids with tons of entertaining stuff. You can choose which language your kid want to learn and immediately start.

And now something for older kids. Most of these following courses are paid, but can be shared across family. So if you want to also learn foreign language, you easily can.

Language Courses For Older Kids

Let's start with some bigger companies.

Pimsleur is comprehensive audio course that consist of over 30 hours of spoken word. This course focuses mainly on speaking and proper pronunciation but lack important grammar lessons.

Babbel is a monthly paid online course divided into several lessons. The resources provided are very good unfortunately the cost is very pricey.

Rocket Languages is all-in-one language course. My favourite one, which consists of audio, grammar and writing lessons. In other words, it contains everything your kid should have learnt. The price might seem steep but it is definitely worth it especially when you realise it's only one time fee. You can share the course among your family and don't have to waste another cash.

If you want, I recommend you to read this Review about the 3 mentioned courses above. You will gain advanced knowledge what works and what not.

If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please let me know. You can contact me or leave a comment below!

---- Yours, Language Moose

Hej Kids!

I am Language Moose...

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